Dice Contracting Ltd


Contractors & BuildersHome & GardenIndustrialLandscaping & GardeningWater Services

About Us

Dice Contracting is located in the Cowichan Valley and specializes in Dust Suppression, Ice Control, Continuous Concrete Landscape Curbing, Equipment & Portable Cooler Rentals.

We are a full service business, and can resolve dirt issues, provide dust control, de-icing and snow removal and as well as mini excavator and hauling services.

Call us now for a free, no-obligation service quote.

Printed courtesy of www.duncancc.bc.ca – Contact the Duncan Cowichan Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2896 Drinkwater Road, Duncan, BC V9L 6C2 – (250) 748-1111 – chamber@duncancc.bc.ca